Neurology @ MMC M.I.N.D.S.

Memory Plus Center

The Memory Plus Center provides diagnostic services and management recommendations for people with problems of memory, and other areas of cognition (attention, language, sensory perception, problem solving). Behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with brain disorders are also assessed and addressed.

The center is staffed by experts who use a comprehensive approach in the evaluation of cognitive problems, which includes a detailed Mental Status Examination. The evaluation of a patient is done in the comfort and convenience of an office environment.

  • Comprehensive Clinical Dementia Evaluation
  • Neuropsychological Evaluation
  • Dementia-Focused Laboratory Test
  • Neuroimaging Using the Dementia Protocol
  • Comprehensive Dementia Care Plan

Head: Paulino Tenchavez, MD



+632-8888-8999 local 7322

Service hours

Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (By Appointment)

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