Neurology @ MMC M.I.N.D.S.

Movement Disorders Center

The MMC Movement Disorders Clinic (MDC@MMC) started in 2008 with the goals of excellent, comprehensive medical and neurosurgical care, forefront clinical and foundational research, and education. Today the MDC team is staffed by two movement disorders specialists, a functional neurosurgeon, and a specialized neurophysiologists. We collaborate closely with other experts in the fields of clinical, basic, and foundational research, both in the Philippines and internationally. The Makati Medical Center is the first to establish, and currently the only, movement disorders neurology fellowship.

The MDC emphasizes multidisciplinary management. The MDC Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgical Review Board patients are evaluated by one of our movement disorders neurologists, our Stereotactic neurosurgeon, and our neuropsychologist, who together discuss and review each patient for surgical candidacy. Local resources include genetic testing for a number of movement disorders, with international ties for genetic tests not available locally. Ancillary treatment modes include Gait and Balance training at the MMC Physical Rehabilitation and Therapy, the Memory Center, and patient specific plans at the Nutrition Center.

Head: Cid Czarina Diesta, MD



+632-8888-8999 local 2392 to 2394

Service hours

Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (By Appointment)

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